Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Period 3: Screenplay Format References

Click the links below to be directed to more information on screenplay format than you ever thought possible!

Screenplay Format (Detailed Explanation)

Screenplay Format Example

Screenplays will be due on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 at the end of class.  These are handwritten screenplays in proper format.  You can worry about typing things up as you go along in filming. 

If you'd like to be ahead of the game, go ahead and write in what CAMERA SHOTS and ANGLES you'll be using in the script.

You'll be able to use school-issued cameras in class beginning Monday, February 4 as well. 
Any group that plans to film before 8:15am, after 4:45pm, or off-campus must use their own camera (smartphones and digital handheld cameras are great options).

Editing will begin in the library beginning Thursday, February 7 and will continue the following week until February 14.  I strongly suggest using some of your weekend time to film.
We will also have two more days in the library to edit on February 19 and 20.  Your film must be completely finished and formatted for transfer by the end of class on February 20.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Production/Rehearsal Etiquette

PSA Assignment: Jan 11 & Jan 14

Production Quiz: Jan 16

Period 1: Next up - In-class LITERATURE THEATER PERFORMANCE (Feb 15)

Period 3: Next up - Short Film Project - Due Feb 14